
The adaptive fitness membership that evolves with you. The adaptive fitness membership that evolves with you.

Experience a whole new meaning to personal training

Trainer-Led Classes & Videos

Sweat it out with world-class trainers who inspire you.

Motion Tracking

Use your tablet's camera to track your reps and form in real-time.

Tracking for Unlimited Users

Review your milestones and achievements all in one easy place.

Explore the World

Travel through hundreds of stunning virtual courses.

Train anytime from JRNY-compatible products and devices.

Thousands of workout possibilities to explore

Expand your wellness with whole-body workouts

Round out your routine with full-body workouts like yoga, Pilates, and strength.

Explore the world with virtual destinations

Travel through 200+ stunning virtual courses at your own speed or experience them alongside your adaptive workouts.

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Excel with real-time virtual coaching

Reach your goals with the guidance of a friendly virtual coach that keeps you in your target zones.

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Expand your wellness with whole-body workouts

Round out your routine with full-body workouts like yoga, Pilates, and strength.

Explore the world with virtual destinations

Travel through 200+ stunning virtual courses at your own speed or experience them alongside your adaptive workouts.

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JRNY with Motion Tracking.

Now for SelectTech Dumbbells.

We took one of the most popular home fitness products – SelectTech Dumbbells – and made the experience even better. The JRNY™ app with Motion Tracking, uses your tablet to track your reps and form in real-time while also suggesting future workouts all from the comfort of home.

Escape with streaming entertainment Escape with streaming entertainment

Experience adaptive workouts alongside your favorite streaming shows. (Netflix, Prime Video, Disney+, JRNY Radio) Experience adaptive workouts alongside your favorite streaming shows. (Netflix, Prime Video, Disney+, JRNY Radio)